Is M Russell Ballard Related To Hyrum Smith?
Does Hyrum Smith have a connection to M. Russell Ballard? Check out the family ties between these two well-known faith leaders below.
The respected businessman and religious leader M. Russell Ballard is important to the LDS Church.
He comes from Hyrum Smith, who was Joseph Smith’s older brother and the church’s founder. This means that his family tree is connected to the long past of the LDS Church.
This piece will go into more detail about the interesting family link between M. Russell Ballard and Hyrum Smith. It will look at their family tree and how this ancestry connection affected M. Russell Ballard’s life and work.
Fact Check: Is M Russell Ballard Related To Hyrum Smith? Family Tree
An interesting family tree shows that M. Russell Ballard’s ancestry goes back to Hyrum Smith. Hyrum Smith was a very important person in the early days of the LDS Church, and he loved his brother Joseph Smith very much.
Hyrum had six kids. Four were born to his first wife, Jerusha Barden, and two were born to his second wife, Mary Fielding.
Ballard is related to Hyrum Smith through Hyrum’s son John Smith, who was born to Jerusha Barden.
This led to Hyrum Mack Smith becoming a minister in the LDS Church. His father was John Smith.
Hyrum Mack Smith’s daughter Geraldine Smith was married to M. Russell Ballard.
So, Ballard, a well-known religious leader, is the respected Hyrum Smith’s fourth-generation grandson.
He is connected to Hyrum’s memory and the LDS Church’s past in general through this family tie.
Other Connections Of M. Russell Ballard
Russell Ballard is connected to two other influential figures in the LDS Church: Joseph F. Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith. Joseph F. Smith, the son of Hyrum Smith, and Joseph Fielding Smith, the grandson of Hyrum, both held the esteemed position of Prophet and President of the LDS Church.
This familial connection adds depth to M. Russell Ballard’s spiritual heritage and underscores the enduring influence of his ancestor, Hyrum Smith. Ballard has often expressed his deep admiration and gratitude for the legacy of Hyrum Smith and his brother Joseph Smith, who were martyred for their unwavering faith in 1844.
Their sacrifices are an enduring example of loyalty, courage, and love, qualities that Ballard encourages missionaries and church members to emulate in their lives.
An Overview: M. Russell Ballard And Hyrum Smith
Russell Ballard was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 8, 1928. He is a well-known leader in the LDS Church and is related to Hyrum Smith.
People know him for what he did as a businessman and a faith leader.
Now that he has been chosen, Ballard is an acting President of the LDS Church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
He has been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles since 1985, which shows that he has been devoted to the church’s work and beliefs for a very long time.
Hyrum Smith, Joseph Smith’s older brother, was very important in the early days of the LDS Church.
Because he was so devoted to his faith, he and his brother were killed at Carthage Jail while they were waiting to be tried.
The deaths of Hyrum and Joseph Smith, which changed the history of the church forever, made its followers stronger.
Finally, Ballard and Smith are related deeply because they come from the same family tree. This makes Ballard a recognized religious leader in his own right and the keeper of a long and interesting family history in the LDS Church.